Sunday 21 July 2013

Lazy Sunday (Plus Mac and Cheeze)

Hello folks!

I like to reserve Sundays for relaxing and watching movies before having to move into another work week. One of my favourite Lazy Sunday recipes is for Mac and 'Cheeze,' which I definitely partook in today.

Mac and Cheeze Recipe
2 Tbsp. of corn starch
1/2 cup of vegan margarine
1 cup of non-dairy milk (I prefer almond milk)
2 tbsp. dijon mustard
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
A few shakes of the following: garlic powder, dried chives, salt and pepper
1 serving of your favourite vegan pasta

1. Put water on to boil to cook pasta, cook pasta according to directions. (If you make sauce while pasta is cooking, they should be ready at about the same time)
2. Start melting the margarine in a sauce pan over medium heat. While it's melting, whisk the corn starch and the almond milk together in a bowl. Once margarine is melted, whisk in milk mixture
3. Add nutritional yeast, whisk until it disappears into sauce base.
4. Add all other ingredients (spices and mustard) and whisk.
5. Keep whisking periodically. Once sauce starts to boil it will thicken.
6. After pasta is drained, add sauce and mix thoroughly. Enjoy!

I enjoy my Mac and Cheeze with ketchup, but final flourishes are up to you. Enjoy your own Lazy Sundays! :)

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